The Revelation of the Self
I think therefore I am
I am
I am
I am what?
I am a bundle of thoughts
that's stupid
emotions then
that's also stupid
I don't know what I am
I'm not like anything else
I'm not like a rock
and if I'm like a rock I'm not like a computer either
that's just a really complicated rock
I'm not part of nature
I'm not a number either
or a logical law
or a principle
or a thought or feeling
or a fact about something that happened or is happening
Those are all supernatural
But none of them are me
I see all these other things like me
They're called Selves
I don't know what we are
But I know we're important
more important than a rock at least
The Revelation of Moral Law
I am important
It is wrong to hurt me
or something like me
What is Wrong?
What is this other thing?
It is like Wrong
like Wrong just as I am not like a rock
But it is very different from wrong
like a rock is different from a tree
What is right?
What is good?
It is a principle
It's like numbers
or logical laws
Right is like how an idea follows a premise
And Wrong is like how another idea doesn't
I can't get away from Right and Wrong
I say Right and Wrong are not important
And the very use of the word "important" validates them
Without them nothing is important
Without them there is no such word as important
The Revelation of Beauty
I am starting to like Right
I think it is... something
It has some quality
Right has something that I like
Something that I like more than pleasure
Right is Beautiful
The Revelation of Meaning
Somehow it's not enough
No, that's not it
Somehow it is enough
but I can't understand why
I have this picture of it all
and something is missing from it
Without it the painting is not important
It is called Meaning
It is eternal
It is beautiful
It is intended
It is what makes everything important
I can see it now
It's a plan
But I don't know it
The Revelation of Good
Right is something else that I like
something besides Beauty
Even Beauty is something else that I like
Meaning comes from and is something else that I like
They all have that quality
And that quality
that thing that Meaning comes from
is not itself without them all
I think I know it now
They are Good
The Revelation of God
I can hear the echoes
I can see it all coming together
I can't see how it could come together without this
without Him
I can't find anything in nature that is important
not like how I'm important
Down here all of Good is about me
and those like me
Down here Good is all about the Self
But there's something more
There's something up there that we are all about
There's another Self
He made me
He made me important
He made me Good
The Revelation of the Fall
But I am not Good
not anymore
I am not Beautiful
I have been cut out of Meaning
I am Wrong
I do Wrong
But I am still important
I can't stop being important
And the more important I am
The worse all this Wrongness is
I am very bad
I am full of shame
go away
The Revelation of Love
It comes again and again
the echo of His voice
It keeps me out of the Nothing
just barely
It is getting stronger each time
I have to cover my ears
They hurt from His voice
It gets louder still
I'm angry
I hate Him for making me
I hate Him for making everything
I hate Him for not leaving
I hate Him for caring
He's here now
I have to hide
I have to find a darker place
I have to stop caring
I could stop it if He would
maybe if I hated Him a bit more
Here's the rock that was never important
and the wood
and the steel
You never made them matter
Why do I have to matter?
Why do I have to be important?
Do you care about them too?
Is that why you never gave them this curse?
Get out of that body!
Stop laughing at me
with that mouth you made me
Stop crying for me
with those tears you crafted
That body was made for something important
but not important enough
It wasn't made for something as important as you
something that couldn't leave the light
So get out of this filth and dark
If you won't leave I'll force you
I wasn't joking
I'll use this rock and wood and steel
that were never important enough to be bad
See how your blood flows
just like mine
Go away already
We leave when our blood flows this much
when our bodies hurt and break that much
They lose their little shadow of Meaning
That thing isn't important anymore
Hide it
in case He tries to come back
I love you too...
I always loved you
I was always so scared
I've been so alone
and so cold...
I love you
I've been looking for you
and hiding from you
These are the Revelations
of Wisdom
of the Story of Humanity
of God
Against each Revelation
all human wealth
and might
and cleverness
are irrelevant
So we bury them in nonsense
and routine
and ignorance
But when they stir in us
All the power of the world cannot seal them away
No mountain is high enough that they cannot reach it
No valley is low enough to escape their notice
Because they are revealed by the One
that they are all about
They will topple nations
turn heroes into cowards
and cowards into heroes
and crooks into saints
They wise rejoice in them
and the dealers in earthly wisdom despair in them
When they breach the surface
and puncture that scab of confusion and business
the world is renewed
And its prince howls
in fury and agony and fear
Are you afraid?
The person that you are will not survive
The self that you are will be rid of him for good
And you will be made new
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