Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Wedding

She rose from the bed
The sheets sliding away
Carrying off her fears
Her worries
She rose, cloaked in sadness
Resolute in her sorrow

She passed through the threshold of blood
The house of irrevocable ties
Its wooden frame stained with rot
She walked by shelves of broken promises
Her bare feet pained by the refuse of old grudges

She walked along the crowded streets
The whole thing damp with blood and sweat
She saw televisions blasting models and contestants
Venders and magicians shouting about "success"
A whole crowd chattering worriedly about "happiness"
A politician singing and chanting about a blissful "tomorrow"
She jostled through the frantic mob

She crossed through a park
And almost gagged from the stench of gossip
A gang of old friends stumbled by her
She couldn't remember why they all glared at her now
She rushed along, afraid and sickened
The whole high school game flashed by
She pushed through the jumble of noise
The wolf whistles and catcalls and cheesy slogans
Not even stopping to see what was clawing at her arm

And there she was
At the bridge
Her little hideaway
The beautiful, quiet place
The shelter she always ran to
To wait our the fears and disappointments
But it wasn't enough
All those times she had cried there
All the secret hate and misery she had spilled out
The bridge had never answered her

So she went to the edge
Staring at the rushing waters
And then came the afterthought
Her whispered plea
Her quiet challenge
To her very last hope

She felt it grab her
Like a fierce, clawed hand
The call of the park and the city and the home
The song of all the rotten prizes she was giving up on
The game and the utopia and the lover gripped her once again

But her despair was stronger
It's bitterness was more lovely than their sweetness

The waters did not hear her plea
They had not understood her heart
Not on that day nor any before it
But they knew the Bridegroom's hand
They listened when He said "Gently"
They carried her, unharmed, to the shore
Washed clean of the city's grime
Made ready for her wedding
They did this in obedience
To her one last Hope

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