Monday, June 17, 2013

Yahweh and Cthulhu

The world is dying
The sun burns away its youth
The very galaxies drift apart

On the stage of human politics
The old tyranny is put to the sword
And former revolutionaries continue where it left off
The old schools are rife with stale legalism
So they are overcome by vibrant freethinkers
Who are to sire yet more stale legalists
An empire becomes decadent and rotten
So it is overcome by a rising, savagely heroic power
Which shall grow fat and impotent on the same fruits

The world is dying
Now behold its doom
The ancient emptiness
The great, mad noise
The monstrous hellmouth
Lusting and hungering
After all that is bright and beautiful

It extends its tentacles outward
And up rise the sophists of Ancient Greece
And their kinsfolk through all the ages
Up until the postmodernists of today
Those skeptics who use logic to slander logic
Declaring the one truth that there is no ultimate truth
Who take away the solidity of things
Which is the one thing we all are really joyful about
And who then shame us for infringing on each others' joyfulness

It raises up Nietzsche and his kinsfolk
Wrapping it extremities in half-truths and singularities of thought
It reduces a vibrant world of a thousand shades to one dull hue
Everything is economics
Everything is power
Everything is sex
Everything is physics

It wraps its fingers in brightly colored paper
It tells us to explore our potential
It tells us to live our best life now
It tell us fleeting things are more valuable
It tells us to go out and have fun
It tells us that beauty is meaningless and artificial
And then asks us to consider the beauty around us
It tells us that people are nothing
But what thoughtless, loveless atoms do when arranged properly
And then it says religion is to be reviled and destroyed
Because religion oppresses those meaningless arrangements

It wears all these masks
To usher us into the yawning mouth
of Nihilism

But if Cthulhu can only destroy
There must be One that creates
If the whole world is dying
Then it must once have been born

Plato dreamed of the Forms
And glimpsed the Form of the Good
Aristotle saw the movement of the stars
And concluded the presence of an Unmoved Mover
They both ended with an ultimate explainer
That did not itself require an explanation
And it makes me want to jump into the pages
To rush at them and shout and point to the southeast lands
Where Goodness Himself had revealed Himself

The I Am had  spoken a world into being
He had made cosmos to dance out of love
And when that world had began to die
He went down to the mountain
And poured love over us
We who had killed Creation
We who had fled Him in shame and pride
Elohim went down to bless us
And again we chose death
And again Adonai chose love
Again and again He romanced us
And rescued us
And warred against us

We chose dust and dignity
And He chose love once more
A lowly love that endures all torments
Emmanuel stood before the Hellmouth
The Emptiness that was His own shadow
The abomination that was born when He said "I am good"
And implied "I am not evil"
When He said "I am loving"
And implied "I am not proud"
When He said "I am wise"
And implied "foolishness is not in Me"
Before that thing of evil and pride and nonsense
Emmanuel was hung upon a torture device
To be devoured by it

But the fullness of the Man of Galilee
Was greater than the emptiness of His devourer

So against all the Nihilist rot
There stand the living sentinels of truth
Whose roots were set at the beginning of things
And who are sustained by the lifeblood of their Creator
That blood which spilled out like an ocean
And rose into the skies like all earthly waters
To spread from there across all the pages of history
And then to fall to earth as all waters do

There is death creeping over all the world
There is no medicine that can cure the stars
There is no therapy that can keep an empire at its prime
There is only the oncoming storm
The waters of Heaven that will smash the rot to dust
And bring vivid wholeness to all those things
Which rested upon the Holy One of Israel
The I Am

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