Look to Bethlehem
And sing a song of joy
The King is come
Heaven's Prince
Lies in a trough tonight
The fulfillment is begun
The restoration is in motion
Beauties of the cosmos!
Look to the earth
Where your Maker lies asleep
Don't you recognize Him?
Then shine down in celebration
Announce your Lord
Shepherds of Israel!
Come and hear
The voice
Of the One who breathed you
Into your mother's womb
Laughing and crying
Children of Jacob!
Can't you feel it?
A shoot has risen from the stump of Jesse
Come out!
Messiah is on the streets
Sacred wisdom
Is shouted in the square
Drop your things of labor
Forego your mourning
Go out and see
The coming of the Kingdom
Go out and celebrate
The coming of the Bridegroom
You whom He calls
Take off your bandages
Uncover your shame
The Healer is here
Come be made new
Receive the gift He gladly gives
Come out of your homes!
Forget your usual business
Let go of your reservations
Come out and celebrate!
Scream and cry out!
Emmanuel is dead!
The wonderful Deliverer
The delightful One
The Promised Child
Is murdered
Mutilated on a cross
You wretches
You who betrayed and forsook Him
How can you be quiet o earth?
Can you rest
O prophets?
Get up
Out of your tombs
And testify
Wake up!
Wake up and go see
The tomb is empty
Death is dead
The mourning is over
The feast is begun
He is back!
The beautiful One
He is returned
And He has broken
The throne of Hell
Go and see
Dance and laugh and sing
He has ransomed His bride
He has made her
Has made all things
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