I've been waiting
For something
A verse
A sign
A feeling
Anything to let me know
That I am not alone
Everything's going gray
The monuments still stand
But I've forgotten what they mean
I reread the message
And find no flaw
No sign of deception
But I still think
That it's a bad joke
I look around
And I'm scared
I see the sands
And the feeble things that thrive in them
I see them and I shake with idolatrous fear
Trembling before them
As if they had authority
Even as I recall the stones
And remember where they are buried
I think to take off my shoes
To sift the sands with my toes
Until I feel the rocks underneath
But I don't bother
It's all coming back
Every little sin
Every last temptation
They're all rushing back
And I can't stop them
I don't even want to
I'm ready to drop it
I've been waiting for three weeks
Holding on to this message
I've asked in faith
And seen nothing
I'm ready to throw it aside
Call it a bout of lunacy
Or call it nothing it all
And just pretend it never happened
I know that I've been here before
I've seen it all before
The same old sham
And I can't give any reason
Why this time should be any different
Why the raucous whispers
Should be telling anything but lies
But I'm buying into them anyway
I'm ready to desert my King for them
Then comes the light
The glory
The terrible, wonderful messenger
The servant of the Lord Most High
I trembled
And dead skin is shaken off
His words are like honey on my tongue
They always were
Even if I could not taste them
Or would not
I asked
And He answered
With power and love
He wiped all else away
And left me overflowing again
I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
ReplyDeleteI am attempting to get the follow wwedgit to work so I can follow your blog. I will keep trying till it happens