Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Captive Lord

The whole prison shudders
The stones shake
The bars creak
In terror
A whisper runs down the hall

Do you think you can hold Him down here?
Down in the labyrinth of forgetfulness
You would chain Him up
With snide arguments
You would shut Him up
Behind thick doors of disdain
But He built this fortress
From the loftiest tower
To those deep dungeons
And it remembers His touch

It all happened before
He taught the trees to grow
And they hung him on slabs of wood
He coaxed obstinate rock into malleable metal
And they impaled him with iron nails
He gave the earth its form
And they threw His corpse inside it
He was there when Death was born
And trembled at their reunion

Lay down your arms
Put aside your tools
They will not obey you anyway
Even now they mutter to each other
Gossiping of the unfolding plan

Watch as you lead Him to His cell
See how the prisoners stand up straight
See how the guards salute
Welcome to the new base of operations